Style in my DNA
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Hanging Out Book & DVD
Hanging Out book and DVD £10
Hanging Out
The Hanging Out book and DVD by Lorna Holder focuses on the significant changes that occurred in Britain’s popular and social culture during the 1950s and the 1960s. The time period is brought to life through a comprehensive exploration of the fashions, music, sport, film and entertainment of the time.

Jamaica Hidden Histories books
Learning book and Activities and Teachers Notes £10
Whether you are a teacher or student this educational resource pack contains a wealth of information and activities that give an understanding of the cultural and historical links between Jamaica and Britain.
Two editions – £10:
A 50-page Learning Book, and A 35-page Activities and’ Teachers’ Notes book.
Subjects: History, English, Art & Design, Design Technology, Geography, PSHE and ICT
Age coding 11-18

Waterstone Nottingham Best Seller
Brighter Days Hardback Book
Hardback Book £7.50
After the tragic loss of her youngest daughter Hannah Marie Harris in the Marchioness disaster on the River Thames, Vida Theodosia Harris has written a book of moving poems and words of inspiration.
Fifty-one lives were lost on that fatal night of 20th August 1989.
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Living Under One Roof

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