Style in my DNA

June 22nd, 2018, marks the 70th anniversary of the SS Empire Windrush’s arrival at Tilbury Docks carrying Caribbean workers to help rebuild Britain after World War II. `Style In My DNA’ by Jamaican-born fashion designer Lorna Holder chronicles 70 years of different fashion trends within the British Caribbean community and the influence it had on the overarching British fashion industry. The book includes exclusive and never-before-seen fashion photography, illustrations, and analysis of Caribbean people in Britain from the late forties and continues right up to the present day. Also included are the memoirs of Lorna Holder, a child of the Windrush generation, who went on to become the first black graduate in fashion to pass through the then Nottingham Trent Polytechnic, a successful fashion designer, producer, author, curator, and active figure within London’s Caribbean Community. To bear witness to the fundamental ways Caribbean culture and fashion have shaped the UK and beyond is to ensure that the significant contributions made throughout the years, will never be forgotten.

Hardback £19.00 with PayPal purchase link

What readers are saying about Style In My DNA

Style In My DNA Book Talk


“Style In My DNA is a great book, which catalogues accessible fashion throughout the decades. These styles are so easily forgotten and the talk last Saturday with the contributors sharing their own stories made the event seem very intimate. A great Black History Month celebration!” – JoyS-33

Greatest Event


“Went to the Style in my DNA book event last Saturday at Swiss Cottage Library and just cannot wait for the next event by Tuareg Productions. It was a well coordinated event with contributors talking about their photographs in the book written by Lorna Holder. It was great to hear people with their shared experiences, absolutely fantastic!!!.” – CarolW-203


“Recently read a new book `Style in My DNA’ by Lorna Holder launched at the V&A museum in June. The book is a great resource for my continuing studies whilst also being an important social document of Caribbean fashion history.” – Serena Lee


“An inspiring and informative book that should be added to every library. “Style in my DNA” span several decades from the forties up to present day in Caribbean and British style, fashion and music. It is nostalgic, reminiscing time place and events that we can all relate to. It is clear and succinct in its ‘ documentation and shows how fashion and music styles have evolved over the years depicting many treasured photographs in Caribbean and British culture. Well done Lorna.” – Olive Graham-Desnoes


“Style in my DNA has motivated to me to probe into my own family history, and the stories behind the many photographs out of sight in family albums.” – L.T.


“Style in My DNA is a fascinating photographic journey and an uplifting personal story of Caribbean influence not only in fashion but also cultural life over the past 70 years in Britain. It is a visual delight with an abundance of original photographs and a reminder of how styles in fashion, music & art are totally intertwined with the history and politics of the time. Truly a stylish book, it is further testimony to Lorna Holder’s remarkable achievements since arriving in England as a 7-year-old in 1959. Highly recommended.” – Yvonne Deutschman

Style In My DNA Book Talk


Style In My DNA is a great book, which catalogues accessible fashion throughout the decades. These styles are so easily forgotten and the talk last Saturday with the contributors sharing their own stories made the event seem very intimate. A great Black History Month celebration!

Hanging Out Book & DVD

Hanging Out book and DVD £10

Hanging Out

The Hanging Out book and DVD by Lorna Holder focuses on the significant changes that occurred in Britain’s popular and social culture during the 1950s and the 1960s. The time period is brought to life through a comprehensive exploration of the fashions, music, sport, film and entertainment of the time.

Jamaica Hidden Histories books

Learning book and Activities and Teachers Notes £10

Whether you are a teacher or student this educational resource pack contains a wealth of information and activities that give an understanding of the cultural and historical links between Jamaica and Britain.

Two editions – £10:
A 50-page Learning Book, and A 35-page Activities and’ Teachers’ Notes book.

Subjects: History, English, Art & Design, Design Technology, Geography, PSHE and ICT

Age coding 11-18

Waterstone Nottingham Best Seller

Brighter Days Hardback Book

Hardback Book £7.50

After the tragic loss of her youngest daughter Hannah Marie Harris in the Marchioness disaster on the River Thames, Vida Theodosia Harris has written a book of moving poems and words of inspiration.

Fifty-one lives were lost on that fatal night of 20th August 1989.

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Living Under One Roof

The Ones We Left Behind

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